Air Creebec is a regional airline based in Waskaganish, Quebec. It operates scheduled flights, charter and freight services to 16 destinations in Quebec and Ontario. The main bases are located in Val-d’Or, Montreal and Timmins, with hubs in Waskaganish, Chisasibi, and Moosonee.
Established in June 1982, the airline first took flight a few weeks later, on July 1. At that time the Cree owned 51% of the company and Austin Airways owned the remaining 49%. In 1988, the Cree purchased the remaining airline assets in the largest commercial deal undertaken by any aboriginal group in Canada to that date – bringing Air Creebec completely under Cree ownership.
Air Creebec operates aircrafts registered with Transport Canada and their fleet includes Dash 8-300, Dash 8-100 and HS748 cargo aircraft.
Air Creebec is committed to providing top-quality airline services in Quebec and Ontario. The company has worked hard over the past quarter century to achieve the vision of reliable and comfortable air travel to the north. The pursuit of excellence is the primary and unwavering focus to better serve its clientele.
Head Office:
18, Nottaway Street
Waskaganish, Québec, J0M 1R0
Val d’Or Office:
101, Fecteau Street
Val-d’Or (QC) J9P 0G4
Reservations or Charters
President: Tanya Pash, CPA, CMA